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Fall 2024 COURSES

The following courses are offered during the Fall 2024 semester.  Please view the Moravian University Course Catalog for a complete listing of the Philosophy Department course offerings.

Fall 2024 Schedule

Course CodeTitleInstructorDaysStart TimeEnd TimeLinC
PHIL 120 AIntroduction to Philosophy Mon, Wed10:30 a.m.11:40 a.m.M3
PHIL 120 BIntroduction to Philosophy Mon, Wed1:30 p.m.2:40 p.m.M3
PHIL 222 AEthicsMoellerOnline (Asynchronous)  M3
PHIL 241AAncient PhilosophyNaraghiMon, Wed
Online Synchronous
1:30 p.m.2:40 p.m.M3
PHIL 261 AIslamic Philosophy, Theology, and MysticismNaraghiMon, Wed
Online Synchronous
10:30 a.m.11:40 a.m.M5
PHIL 265 AFeminist PhilosophyMoellerOnline (Asynchronous)  U2
PHIL 265 BFeminist PhilosophyMoellerOnline (Asynchronous)  U2
PHIL 279 APhilosophy of LawNaraghiMon, Wed
Online Synchronous
3:00 p.m.4:10 p.m.U2
PHIL 291 AST: Introduction to the Philosophy of Science Tue, Thu3:00 p.m.4:10 p.m.U1

100-Level Courses

PHIL 120 A and B: Introduction to Philosophy

Tasks and the subject matters of philosophy, including the major theories of reality, knowledge, religion, morality and social justice. Attention to several classic philosophical texts as primary source readings. (M3)

200-Level Courses

PHIL 222 A: Ethics

Formulating principles defining the good human being and to applying these to relevant problems of vocation and social and political justice. (M3) 

PHIL 241 A: Ancient Philosophy

A critical examination of the history of Greek philosophy including the pre-Socratics, Thales, Anaxagoras, Parmenides, Heraclitus, Empedocles, Plato and Aristotle.(M3) 

PHIL 261 A: Islamic Philosophy, Theology, and Mysticism

An exploration of key notions and figures in Islamic philosophy, theology, and mysticism. Some issues imbedded in the enormous body of scholarship in Muslim intellectual heritage are employed to examine current global issues such as the struggle for justice and peace and the fight against violence and absolutism. Special attention is given to the structure of Being, the notion of the truth, and the way to attain the truth in the three systems. (M5) 

PHIL 265 A and B: Feminist Philosophy

An exploration of a diversity of feminist writing. Students consider questions such as: How do the legacies of gender inequality persist today? What would gender justice look like? Is there such thing as gender-neutral point of view? And how do gender, race, class and sexuality relate? (U2) 

PHIL 279 A: Philosophy of Law

Philosophy of law or jurisprudence is the application of the rational techniques of the discipline of a philosophy to the subject matter of law. In this course, on one hand, students study the meaning of such concepts as law, legal obligation, legal punishment, and so on. (What is known as analytic jurisprudence.) Also they explore the relation between law and morally, or more specifically, they try to figure out whether legal institutions in general, or particular legal systems, or legal practices are morally acceptable-and if not, how to make them so. (What is known as normative jurisprudence.) (U2) 

PHIL 291 A: Introduction to Philosophy of Science

Description (U2)