Moravian University faculty are committed to providing a learning environment free from gender and sex-based discrimination, including sexual harassment, domestic and dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking, in accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. As such, Moravian University designates all faculty members as mandatory reporters of such disclosures to the Equal Opportunity and Title IX Coordinator, who will reach out to offer resources, support measures, and information. Reports can be made online anytime at Please note that reported information remains private and that the student is not obligated to respond to outreach.


Although disclosures of gender and sex-based discrimination or sexual violence made in relation to an assignment and/or educational prompt do not require referral, faculty are encouraged to consult the Equal Opportunity and Title IX Coordinator for guidance on how to follow up with their student. 

Fully confidential reporting options include licensed professionals in the Counseling and Health Centers, as well as the chaplains in Spirituality and Inclusion. Survivors are encouraged to seek immediate assistance by contacting the Advocates at (484) 764-9242. For more information, including grievance procedures, please view the Equal Opportunity, Harassment, and Non-Discrimination Policy at