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Courses in Global Religions: Diverse Religious Traditions 

Multi-Religious Studies; Judaism; Christianity; Islam; Asian Traditions

Multi-Religious Studies


REL 110: What is Religion? (M4)(Introductions)
REL 133: Native American Religions (M5)(Culture)
REL 136: Seeing and Believing: Women, Religion, and Film (M3)(Gender Studies/Culture)
REL 165: Life Walk of Justice: Introduction to Peace and Justice Studies (M3)(War andPeace, Ethics and Justice


REL 225: Pilgrimage: Searching for God in a (Post) Modern World (M3)(Culture)
REL 227: Ancient Near Eastern Religion (M3)(History)
REL 231: Atheism (U2)(Philosophy and Theology)
REL 240: Religion and Feminist/Gender Studies (U2)(Ethics and Justice)
REL 245: Religion and Politics (U2)(Ethics and Justice)
REL 248: Topics in Religion and Literature (Culture)
REL 250: Environmental Philosophy (U2)(Health and Science)
REL 253: Philosophy of Religion (U2)(Philosophy and Theology)
REL 263: Civil Rights and the Moral Life (U2) (Ethics and Justice)
REL 264: Science and Theology (U1)(Health and Science)
REL 265: Sociology of Religion (Culture



REL 112: Hebrew Bible/Old Testament (M3) (Sacred Texts)
REL 126: Judaism (M3)(Introductions)


REL 226: From Prophecy to the Apocalypse (M3)(History)
REL 246: War and Peace in the Biblical World (U2)(War and Peace)
REL 251: Modern Jewish Religious Movements (M5)(Culture)



REL 114: Jesus and the Gospels (M3)(Sacred Texts)
REL 116: Paul and Early Christianity(M3 ) (Sacred Texts)
REL 121: Introduction to Roman Catholic Thought (M3) (Introductions)
REL 131: Jesus Saves? Salvation Metaphors in Christian Thought (M3) (Philosophy and Theology)


REL 210: Christian Ethics (U2)(Ethics and Justice)
REL 211: Christian Ethics and War (U2) (War and Peace)
REL 215: Christian Theology (M3) (Philosophy and Theology)
REL 217: Paul through Jewish and Christian Eyes (M3)(Sacred Texts)
REL 255: Latin American Liberation Theology (M5) (Ethics and Justice)
REL 266: History and Religion of the 18th Century Moravians (M1) (History)



REL 115: Major Themes in the Qur'an (M3) (Sacred Texts)
REL 125: Introduction to Islam (M3) (Introductions)


REL 261: Islamic Philosophy, Theology, and Mysticism (M5) (Philosophy and Theology)

Asian Traditions


REL 123: Religions of India (M5) (Introductions)
REL 124: Religions of China and Japan (M3) (Introductions)


REL 193: Health, Healing, and Medicine in Asian Cultures (M5) (Health and Science)
REL 194: Asian Traditions through Film (M6)(Culture)
REL 291: Buddhism and Mindfulness (U1) (Health and Science
REL TBD: Buddhism and Believers: Capitalism, Material, and Spiritual Goods (Ethics and Justice)
REL TBD: What is the Dao? (Philosophy and Theology)
REL TBD: Yoga, Kung-fu, and Chinese Medicine (Health and Science)
REL TBD: Monks, Fairy Tales, and Anime (Culture)

Capstone Courses

REL 370: Senior Seminar
REL 385: Independent Study