Paul Peucker
Office: Moravian Church Archives (41 W. Locust St.)
Phone: 610-866-3255
Teaching: I teach a class on 18th-century Moravian history. This class has a strong focus on Moravian historiography: how did 18th-century Moravians perceive their history? How do scholars write about the Moravians? I also teach a class on Archival Studies. In this course we discuss the basic principles of archival science, connected with practical work at the Moravian Church Archives.
Current Research: I am working on a book on the so-called "Sifting Time" in the Moravian Church, a period in the mid-18th century that was perceived as a time of severe crisis. The memory of the Sifting Time played a defining role in the development of the Moravian Church.
Selected Publications
- Self, Community, World: Moravian Education in a Transatlantic World, ed. Heikki Lempa and Paul Peucker (Bethlehem: Lehigh University Press, 2010).
- Neue Aspekte der Zinzendorf-Forschung, ed. Martin Brecht and Paul Peucker, Arbeiten zur Geschichte des Pietismus 47 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006).
- Herrnhuter Wörterbuch: Kleines Lexikon von brüderischen Begriffen (Herrnhut: Unitätsarchiv, 2000).
- 's Heerendijk: Herrnhutters in IJsselstein 1736-1770 (Zutphen: Walburg Pers, 1991).
Articles and Chapters:
- Paul Peucker, "Communication through Art: The Role of Art in Moravian Communities," in Self, Community, World. Moravian Education in a Transatlantic World, ed. Heikki Lempa and Paul Peucker (Bethlehem: Lehigh University Press, forthcoming).
- "Wives of the Lamb: Moravian Brothers and Gender around 1750," Masculinity, Senses, Spirit, ed. Katherine Faull (Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, forthcoming).
- "The Songs of the Sifting: Understanding the Role of Bridal Mysticism in Moravian Piety During the Late 1740s," Journal of Moravian History 3 (2007): 51-87.
- "Inspired by Flames of Love: Homosexuality, Mysticism, and Moravian Brothers around 1750," Journal of the History of Sexuality 15 (2006): 30-64.