Khristina H. Haddad
Professor of Political Science
- B.A., Reed College
- M.A., McGill University
- Ph.D., University of Michigan
- LINC 101 What is time for?
- LINC 101 Intersectionality: Race, Gender, and Class
- POSC 120 Introduction to Political Thinking
- POSC 215 History of Western Political Thought: Social Contract Theory and Its Limits
- POSC 250 Contemporary Political Thought
- POSC 292 New American Political Thought
- POSC 293 Technology, Time, and the Good Society
- POSC 298 The Time of Your Life: Facebook Stalking, Ipod Walking, Nonsense Talking
- POSC 298 The Refugee Crisis
- POSC 355 Utopias, Dystopias, and Manifestos: The Imagination of Political Alternatives
- WOST 397 Women’s Health: The Science and Politics of Well-being
Office: Comenius 112
Office hours: By appointment.
Teaching kudos in The Comenian
- "The Class That Made a Difference: Utopias, Dystopias, & Manifestos (Dr. Khristina Haddad), " April 15, 2020.
- "The Class that Made a Difference: What is Justice? (Dr. Khristina Haddad) Julia Attanasio, Alumna, February 19, 2021."
Featured Work
- Achieving Excellence In Online Education
- Seeing What Is Said: Teaching Niccolo Machiavelli’s The Prince Through Its Images
Recent Projects
- Video link: Transitioning to online teaching, the digital commonplace book.
- Interview by senior Julianna Fedorich, November 20, 2020.
These times
- Putting Theory Into Practice: Political Theory Lessons for Everyday Life (April 2024)
- Filter Out Junk News and Find Real Information: Database Advice for Students from Political Science Students
- Better Political Conversations: Advice from Dr. Haddad and Political Science Students
- How to Read Reliable News Sources: Tips from MoCo Political Science Students
- Moravian University Covid community journal
- WLVR News Director Jen Rehill at Moravian: Journalism and news coverage in an Age of Post-Objectivity
- Moravian University hosts free screening of political documentary 'Battleground"
- Scaffolded anti-racist resources
- "Dating Advice Inspired By Political Theories (Dr.Khristina Haddad) students from POSC 120 Spring 2022." October 27, 2022.
- "Dr. Khristina Hadad's Students Reflect on current Political Polarization in U.S. (Dr. Khristina Haddad) POSC 355 students Fall 2020." April 14, 2023.
- Good Notes: Dr. Haddad's Best Advice for Taking Stellar Notes in College

Stuttgart, Germany
My hometown is Stuttgart, Germany. I was raised bilingually in Germany. By birth, I am a U.S. citizen with roots in California. I am Lebanese American. I have traveled extensively and also have studied in several countries. Since 2003, I have been teaching political theory at Moravian University.